Online marketplaces are unique entities. They have to walk a tricky line to keep commerce flowing. Both buyers and sellers want product and process transparency, while the marketplace has to be perceived as neutral overall.

It is the nature of marketplaces to foster competition that benefits all parties. Price sensitivities drive innovation. Sellers want the best price for their products. Buyers want to pay the lowest price while knowing exactly what they are getting. The marketplace wants lots of activity. All participants need to offer some type of competitive advantage to distinguish themselves in such a challenging environment.

PrologMobile’s platform and data tools document over 500 data points for each mobile device. This data removes uncertainty and clearly identifies the uniqueness of each device. This data generally leads to:

Improved Search & Discovery

Including specific data points for every device enables sellers to better identify those device attributes most important to buyers. The ability for buyers to expand their search parameters to the device-specific attributes they are seeking makes their operations more efficient. All of this benefits the marketplace itself by more easily fostering and enabling commerce on their site.

Increased Activity

With increased discoverability comes increased activity. Not only do the sales price and number of bids per device increase; but so does the number of page views per user and time spent on site when IMEI-specific data is available for each listing. This benefits all marketplace constituents.

Increased Trust & Confidence

Buyers are more likely to trust and purchase products from a marketplace when they have detailed product data (Our Assembly case study proves this point!) This is because they can see the product’s specifications, features, and various carrier and industry status checks, making them feel more confident about their purchase. When this data is provided by a neutral third party, it is even more impactful. Inclusion of IMEI-specific data and third-party trust certificates benefits buyers, sellers and the marketplace.


When buyers have accurate and detailed IMEI-specific data, they are less unlikely to return devices due to inaccurate or incomplete information or from reactivation issues. This saves both buyers and sellers, as well as the marketplace, time and money and increases customer satisfaction. Not to mention all of the environmental savings!

Better Insights & Analytics

Accurate device data can provide better insights and analytics for the marketplace, allowing them to understand which products are selling well and which are not. This information can help the marketplace optimize their product offerings, pricing, and marketing strategies to increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction.

Our platform offers an
end-to-end solution for both buyers & sellers utilizing marketplaces.

Our IMEI Analytics product provides device-specific data critical to both buyers and sellers. This will improve transparency, increase discoverability and activity and provide important insights and analytics.

    • Sellers will know exactly what they are selling and can price accordingly
    • Buyers will know exactly what they buying and can purchase only the devices they want at a fair price
    • Additional device-specific data provides marketplaces with greater transparency and analytical capabilities
    • Proactively analyze devices before purchase
Our PhoneSpection® Reports provide a third-party trust certificate enabling even greater transparency for buyers and sellers. Marketplaces benefit by providing this important information from a reliable and neutral organization.

How our data benefits the industry

The use of PrologMobile data on online marketplaces is proven to have multiple benefits for online marketplaces, including:


Increased purchase prices
(3% – 20%)


Increased number of bids per lot/unit (over 150%)


Increased number of page views (up to 25%)


Increased time spent on device pages (over 350%!!)

There are several key use cases where IMEI Analytics and PhoneSpection® Reports provide value to marketplaces.

The first use case would be for buyers who are seeking unique devices with specific device compatibility needs. Device-specific IMEI data will ensure that every device the buyer purchases will meet their needs. This transparency increases engagement by both buyers and sellers, thereby adding to the overall usage and value of the marketplace.

Another valid use case would be for the marketplace to feature valid PhoneSpection® Reports for each device sold in order to validate to both buyers and sellers that the devices have been vetted by a neutral third-party. All parties then can evaluate the device based on a uniform set of criteria. This reduces risk and increases transparency.

To learn more about how PrologMobile’s products help marketplaces grow their business, click on the following links:

Learn How PrologMobile can help you increase sale prices and marketplace activity.

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