retail device processor case study

Client Background

  • Client is a global retailer of new and used electronics, toys, video game hardware and software, accessories and clothing purchases used mobile devices for resale on secondary market

  • Acquires used devices with limited device–specific information

  • Sells used mobile devices in “lots” based on average model pricing with limited device-specific information

Client Issues

  • Client is looking to reduce purchase prices and increase sales prices

  • Client has difficulty in accurately sorting phones for resale

  • Client has no access to carrier financial eligibility data on a per-device basis

  • Client sells carrier-locked  devices as unlocked and left money on the table

  • High return rates (RMAs) due to carrier turn-on refusal issues

  • Consistent percentage of devices not usable for buyer’s intended usage led to customer dissatisfaction

  • Declining customer confidence in purchasing lots

PrologMobile Actions

Analyzed phone sorting process and related issues
Provided near real-time carrier-specific data for each device regarding financial eligibility for four primary US carriers
Provided OEM-specific data for each device
Identified devices that were carrier locked and unlocked
Enabled more accurate sorting with additional per-device data
Added analytical processes to intake line that took zero net additional line processing time
Deployed a train-the-trainer approach to teach line workers how to use PrologMobile system and data –  took one hour

Project Results


Fully unlocked lot prices increased 10 – 20% due to device accuracy


Carrier-related lot prices increased 5-10% due to device accuracy


RMAs declined over 95% with huge associated cost savings


Mobile device RMA team disbanded and re-assigned saving client over $125k/year in labor costs
Manager regained 20% of their time due to increased efficiency

Increased customer confidence in purchasing lots from client

Customer experience improved dramatically

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